Friday, March 16, 2012

You Know Your A Mom When....

Wednesday was a beautiful day so instead of cleaning the floors or doing the laundry, I dragged Frank, a blanket, bubbles, and some toys outside. Two seconds after we settled in the front yard, I noticed some yellow liquidy stuff on the sleeve of my shirt. Sniff, sniff. Must be bird poop, I thought, because how would Frank's poop get on me? Plus it didn't smell. And Frank's poops reek. Well, it was not bird poop. Frank had had his second blow out of the day. And what had blown out got wiped up with my shirt when I carried him outside. This is where the mommy decision making came in. He was enjoying himself. I was enjoying myself and I had just juggled all the bubbles,numerous toys, a blanket and a 20 pound baby through the front door. If we went back in to clean him up we were not coming back out. And it was so so nice out. So I poured some of the bubbles on the sleeve of my shirt, and rubbed out the poop with the ground side down part of the blanket. It was so worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahha! I do the same thing! Sully will spit up on me in the morning and I think to myself, "Yea, that isn't enough puke to change my shirt for work..." and I will just leave it on! Aren't us mamas so glamourous? :-)
