Monday, February 14, 2011

It's A...

Good anatomy scan!  Joe and I went in last Monday for the anatomy scan aka "the big ultrasound."  My placenta   is in a good position.  The doctor said my cervix is nice and long, which I was relieved to hear.  I was worried for awhile we got through first trimester just to come across some major hurdle in second trimester like an incompetent cervix but fortunately that does not seem to be the case. My amniotic fluid level was normal, too.

The baby is also looking good.  There were no facial or leg and arm abnormalities as far as the tech could tell. The three veins in the spine that are so important are present.  There is no excess fluid on the spine.  Baby was swallowing and moving around alot. The heart has four chambers and the skull is normal.. The tech reassured us that the dark spot on the baby's head was just a shadow and not a huge gaping hole. Oh yeah, there are also testicles and a penis. WE HAVE A SON!

I think he already looks like his daddy,here.

Showing off his muscles, lol.