Friday, June 24, 2011


Now that Frankie is full term, Joe and I are anxiously awaiting his arrival in a way only those that are part of the loss community can understand. There is this feeling still of waiting for the other shoe to drop and also a sense of this baby being safer out than in.

We also get asked alot if he is our first.  We talked about this the other night. We both,unless it is a medical professional or someone who we know has suffered losses, always answer "yes."  It is just easier that way. But we both agreed that part of us always feels like a liar. Maybe when he is born it will not be that way because he will indeed be our "first" born.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Baby Shower

 My baby shower took place four weeks ago but I've been limiting computer time due to the pain and swelling in my hands. (It has gotten slightly better due to the use of a splint and drinking lots and lots of water.)  The baby shower was very emotional for me.  I spent the first couple of minutes, before most of the guests arrived, in tears, crying out of gratitude to God that this fifth pregnancy had progressed to baby shower status but also sad for all my other babies that not reached that point.


Frankie received many wonderful gifts from generous family and friends.

I was so excited to get this book as a gift. I want Frankie to love reading  as much as I do.
Joe and I have agreed that since Frankie will be a Michigander he will root for the Tigers. However, this Brooklyn girl reserves the right to instill some love for the Yankees as long as the are not playing against the Tigers of course. Joe made sure to buy him some Tigers stuff to balance out all the Yankees stuff sent from my stepmom in NY.

The cake said "Snakes and snails and puppy dog tails. That's what little boys are made of."

Friday, June 3, 2011

Taking a break

It's been awhile since I've posted. This upcoming Saturday I will be 36 weeks and everything is going well. I have, however, gotten awful pregnancy induced carpal tunnel. So I am limiting computer time.  I am hoping that I will have a day of relief soon before delivery so I can post some more or at least post shower and nursery pics.  If not maybe I can get hubby to do some posting.